Welcome to My Basic Training!

Congratulations on making a sound investment in YOU! You are about to embark on a journey of discovery…

The My Basic Training program has TWO KEY GOALS:

  1. Kickstart a healthy living routine through a focused 6-week package of exercise and healthy eating – and a few other things!
  2. Learn how to implement sustainable healthy habits this is not a fad diet or a quick fix to an isolated issue…

The My Basic Training program will build over the 6 weeks. We will introduce new things to think about as it progresses. There will be some ‘active’ recovery days and the occasional “treat” meal to look forward to!

All the information contained in this guide is important, but look out for the following in particular, which contain the essential instructions, useful hint and tips, and some real life experiences from somebody who has completed the training!

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Now go ahead and click on the following links to find out more about each area of the STEPS CO methodology. You will also find important guidance notes for the TRAIN and EAT aspects of your My Basic Training program. We will start to consider some aspects of SLEEP and PLAY later in the 6-week period, but they will not be a core part of your initial activity.

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